Aquí tienes un resumen de tus datos
Longitud en cm
Anchura en cm
Altura en cm
Paquete elegido
Vitrofijación por inmersión
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Crioconservación de mascotas

Nuestras opciones para mascotas

Nuestros planes ofrecen precios personalizados para su mascota, diseñados para preservarla hasta el futuro
Por qué deberías considerarlo

¿Por qué criopreservar a tu mascota?

Cada vez más personas no están dispuestas a aceptar la muerte por causas que podrían resolverse cuando la tecnología y la medicina avancen. La criónica es la mejor esperanza para prolongar la vida en el futuro.

Vínculo emocional

Para muchos, las mascotas son miembros queridos de la familia, y la idea de perderlas es desgarradora. La criopreservación le permite preservar ese vínculo emocional profundo, lo que le brinda la posibilidad de extender su tiempo juntos mucho más allá de las limitaciones de la ciencia médica actual.

Proven experience and reputation

Al criopreservar a tu mascota, estás invirtiendo en el futuro de la ciencia veterinaria, que algún día podría curar enfermedades y revertir los procesos de envejecimiento que hoy en día no se pueden tratar. Además, contribuyes al avance de la investigación criónica, lo que podría ayudar a allanar el camino para futuros avances en la conservación de seres humanos y animales.

Elección compasiva

Para aquellos que luchan con la finalidad de la muerte de una mascota, la criopreservación ofrece una alternativa compasiva. Se alinea con el profundo deseo de cuidar y proteger a tu mascota, incluso después de que su vida natural haya terminado, y brinda la esperanza de un posible reencuentro futuro.

High standards of care across all preservation options

La crioconservación puede verse como una extensión profunda del respeto y el cuidado que le has mostrado a tu mascota a lo largo de su vida. Al elegir este camino, preservas su existencia y te aferras a la esperanza de reunirte con ella en el futuro, en lugar de aceptar la muerte como el final definitivo.
Pet Statistics for 2024

No se fíe solo de nuestras palabras

Our numbers speak for themselves: More and more people are signing up or cryopreserving their pets with every day.
Pet Memberships
Cryopreserved dogs
Cryopreserved cats
Simple four steps

How does it work?

Our pet cryopreservation process is designed to support you at every step.
We provide compassionate guidance and professional care as you preserve the possibility of a future with your beloved pet.
Paso 1

Cotización personalizada

Usa la calculadora de arriba para obtener tu cotización. Recibirás dos opciones de precio: una para Straight Freeze y otra para Immersion Vitrofixation. Asegúrese de insertar detalles precisos para obtener la estimación correcta. Este paso es crucial para preparar a tu mascota para la siguiente fase: el transporte.
Paso 2

Ponte en contacto

Si está satisfecho con su presupuesto, póngase en contacto con nosotros. Le proporcionaremos toda la información que necesita para continuar. Para mascotas primerizas, la cuota de membresía está incluida. Para una segunda mascota, se aplica una membresía mensual de 20€ al mes.
Paso 3


Once your contract is set up, you can fund it via your chosen payment method, including flexible installment options. Payment confirmation activates your contract, preparing everything for the eventual cryopreservation process.
Paso 5


Las mascotas se colocan en una cápsula, que luego se coloca en una poza criogénica llena de nitrógeno líquido. Aquí se almacenan indefinidamente, sin necesidad de electricidad. El nitrógeno líquido es rellenado regularmente por el equipo in situ o por un sistema automatizado.
Straight Freeze vs Immersion Vitrifixation

Types of pet cryopreservaton

At, we offer two options for pet cryopreservation, allowing you to choose the approach that best aligns with your needs and budget.
Each method is designed to preserve your pet with care and respect, ensuring they remain safely stored for the future.
Straight freeze
Our Straight Freeze option involves cooling your pet directly to -196°C. This method is more affordable, offering a reliable way to preserve your pet’s form and essence. However, please note that ice crystals will form during the process, which can impact celular integrity.
Ideal for:
Pet owners seeking a cost-effective option or those in areas where pet body arrival at EBF within 12 hours is not feasible.
Key Benefits:
More affordable preservation
Simple, straightforward process
Maintains pet’s form and essence over time
Ice crystal formation may impact tissue integrity
Less detailed cellular preservation
What’s included:
Secure indefinite long term storage
24/7 Emergency Support Line
Immersion vitrifixation
Immersion Vitrifixation is an advanced preservation method where your pet is first treated with fixatives and cryoprotective solutions to prevent ice crystal formation. The cooling process is carefully controlled to ensure cellular structures remain intact, offering the highest level of preservation quality.
Ideal for:
Pet owners who prioritize optimal tissue preservation and are seeking the most advanced option available.
Key Benefits:
Prevents ice crystal formation
Preserves cellular structures for higher quality preservation
Carefully monitored and controlled cooling process
Higher cost than Straight Freeze
More complex and time-intensive procedure
After passing, pet must arrive at EBF within 12 hours, kept at 4°C
What’s included:
Secure indefinite long term storage
24/7 Emergency Support Line
Which option is right for me?
Choosing the right cryopreservation method depends on your budget and the level of preservation you wish for your pet. Straight Freeze provides a reliable, affordable solution, while Immersion Vitrifixation offers advanced preservation quality for those who seek the highest standard.
Affordable solutions for Pet Owners

Flexible payment options

We understand that pet cryopreservation is a significant financial commitment. At, we’re dedicated to helping every pet owner afford this meaningful service by offering flexible payment options, so you can preserve the bond you share without financial stress.
Monthly Installments (Coming Soon)
Choose a payment plan that suits your budget with our monthly installments option. Through a trusted financing partner, you can spread the cost of cryopreservation over manageable payments, allowing you to secure your pet’s future without a large upfront expense.
Learn more →
Pre-Payment Plan ( Members-only )
Available exclusively to members. This pre-payment plan allows you to gradually fund your pet’s cryopreservation through, over a period of up to 24 months, provided your pet is healthy and living.
Learn more →
One-Time Urgent Payment
For pets that are near the end of life or have recently passed, we offer a one-time payment option to handle urgent cases promptly. This option allows you to finalize the cryopreservation process without delay, ensuring your pet’s preservation is handled with the utmost care and urgency.
Learn more → Members-only

Membership benefits for Pet Owners

"Becoming a member opens up exclusive benefits, making it easier and more affordable to prepare for your pet’s future with advanced cryopreservation options. As a member, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that you’re taking proactive steps to secure the preservation of your pet."
- Dr. Emil Kendziorra

Free membership for your first  pet

As a member, you can enroll your first healthy pet for free, gaining immediate access to’s cryopreservation benefits without an additional enrollment fee. This makes it easy to secure a future plan for your pet while they are still healthy

Flexible Pre-Payment Plan

Only members can take advantage of our flexible pre-payment plan*, allowing you to gradually fund your pet’s cryopreservation over 24 months. This plan ensures that, when the time comes, the process is seamless and financially prepared.

Exclusive Discounts

Members receive a 5% discount on cryopreservation contract** costs and reduced membership fees for additional pets, making it easier and more affordable to preserve your entire pet family with

Priority support and guidance

Receive priority assistance when you need it most. Members enjoy faster support with logistics, paperwork, and urgent questions, ensuring peace of mind during difficult moments.

Access to Future Innovations

As cryopreservation technology advances, members will have priority access to potential upgrades and new preservation techniques, ensuring that your pet benefits from the latest advancements.

Pet Memorial Mural at EBF

Celebrate your pioneering role with a place on our Pet Memorial Mural, featuring a photo of your pet (with or without you), their name, location, and the date they were cryopreserved at the European Biostasis Foundation.
Pet Cryopreservation Cost

Get an instant quote

Easily measure your pet with our quick guide below, and get a personalized quote in just a few clicks.


1. Measure your pet’s length, width, and height in centimeters. Use the diagram for guidance. Click on diagram for detailed instruction.
Note: If measuring in inches, multiply each value by 2.54 to convert to centimeters (1 inch = 2.54 cm), as the quote form uses the metric system.
2. Enter the measurements in the quote form.
3. Click "Calculate my quote" to receive your instant quote.
4. If your pet’s dimensions exceed the max standard storage size, please contact us at for a custom quote.
El tamaño de su mascota supera nuestra capacidad máxima de almacenamiento estándar por mascota. Póngase en contacto con nosotros para obtener un presupuesto personalizado en

Pet Cryopreservation Quote Form

Estados Unidos
Calculate my quote
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Elige tu plan

Learn more about each option to find the best fit for your pet’s future. No commitment required.
Congelación directa
Este método implica enfriar a la mascota directamente a -196 °C. El proceso puede provocar la formación de cristales de hielo, que pueden causar daño celular y comprometer la integridad de los tejidos. Es un proceso sencillo, pero es posible que no conserve tan bien el tejido.
Qué incluye:
Best for:
Budget-conscious owners or those in regions where shipment to our facility within 12 hours is not feasible.
Vitrofijación por inmersión
Esta técnica consiste en tratar a la mascota con crioprotectores antes de enfriarla a -196 °C. Los crioprotectores ayudan a prevenir la formación de cristales de hielo, lo que permite que el material se solidifique en un estado similar al vidrio. Este método avanzado preserva mejor la estructura celular y reduce el riesgo de daño.
Qué incluye:
Best for:
Owners seeking optimal tissue preservation
¡La membresía de tu primera mascota está incluida!
Para mascotas adicionales, se aplica una cuota de membresía de solo 20€ al mes por cada una que elija crioconservar.

Not sure which pet cryopreservation option is right for you?

Speak with our team to learn more about the best plan for your pet’s needs.

Centro especializado para pacientes ubicado en Suiza almacena a sus pacientes en las instalaciones subterráneas de la Fundación Europea de Biostasis en Suiza. Esta instalación fue diseñada especialmente para garantizar la estabilidad y la seguridad a largo plazo. Se eligió Suiza por su seguridad, estabilidad socioeconómica, supervisión estricta de las organizaciones sin fines de lucro y bajo riesgo de desastres naturales.
Más información sobre nuestra estructura →
Preguntas frecuentes

Sus preguntas, respondidas

¿Qué es la crioconservación?

La crioconservación utiliza temperaturas extremadamente bajas para detener todos los procesos biológicos del cuerpo. La crioconservación no consiste en congelar, ya que la formación de cristales de hielo sería muy perjudicial para el organismo. Este procedimiento implica el uso de soluciones crioprotectoras especializadas (piense en un anticongelante de uso médico) para evitar la congelación cuando el paciente alcanza temperaturas bajo cero. Los pacientes son criopreservados con la expectativa de que la tecnología futura pueda revivirlos y tratar la causa subyacente de muerte.

¿Por qué debo criopreservar a mi mascota?

La crioconservación brinda la oportunidad de extender el tiempo con su querida mascota más allá de su vida útil natural. Preserva el vínculo emocional que comparten y ofrece la esperanza de que los futuros avances médicos nos permitan curar y revivir a su mascota. Este proceso no solo refleja tu compromiso con su bienestar, sino que también contribuye al avance de la investigación criónica, lo que podría beneficiar tanto a las mascotas como a los seres humanos.

¿Cuánto cuesta?

El costo de la crioconservación varía según el tamaño de la mascota y el método elegido, ya sea por congelación directa o por vitrofijación por inmersión. Cuando registras tu primera mascota, la cuota de membresía está incluida en el costo total. Para cualquier mascota adicional, se aplica una cuota mensual de 20€, lo que ayuda a mantener el acceso a nuestro equipo de emergencias, disponible las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana para responder con prontitud si es necesario. Utilice nuestra calculadora en línea para obtener un presupuesto personalizado adaptado a las características específicas de su mascota.

¿Quién cuidará de mi mascota en el futuro si no puedo hacerlo?

Si no puede cuidar a su mascota en el futuro, tenga la seguridad de que habrá muchas personas deseosas de asumir esa responsabilidad. Al elegir la crioconservación, le estás dando a tu mascota la oportunidad de vivir en el futuro y la oportunidad de ser atendida por personas que comparten tu compromiso.

What are the differences between Straight Freeze and Immersion Vitrifixation?

Both methods involve gradually cooling your pet to -196°C; however, the approaches differ in terms of preservation quality.

Straight Freeze is a simpler, more affordable method that directly cools the pet’s body. While effective, this method may lead to ice crystal formation within the tissues, which can impact preservation quality.

Immersion Vitrifixation is a more advanced process. It begins by treating the pet with fixatives to create cross-links in the proteins, stabilizing tissue structure. The body is then submerged in cryoprotectant solutions with gradually increasing concentrations over several months, allowing the cryoprotectant to diffuse deeply into the tissues. This process prevents ice crystal formation, preserving cellular structure and tissue integrity at a much higher level. Once the ideal concentration is achieved, the pet is slowly cooled to -196°C. Immersion Vitrifixation is ideal for those seeking the best preservation quality.

Is membership required to cryopreserve my pet?

Membership is not required to cryopreserve your pet. However, becoming a member offers significant benefits, such as free memberships for your first pet, access to the pre-payment plan, and discounts on additional pets membership and cryopreservation contract.

What are the benefits of membership?

Becoming a member provides a range of valuable benefits, both generally and specifically for pet cryopreservation. As a general member, you gain access to’s advanced cryopreservation services, including both human and pet options. Membership also includes exclusive updates, events, and perks, keeping you connected to the latest advancements in cryopreservation technology and offering opportunities to learn and engage with the community. Members receive priority support, ensuring faster response times and dedicated assistance with all arrangements for peace of mind. For those specifically interested in pet cryopreservation, membership offers additional advantages: your first healthy pet receives a complimentary membership, allowing you to plan ahead, and you have access to a flexible pre-payment plan to spread out the cost over up to 24 months. members also receive a 5% discount on the cryopreservation contract cost, as well as reduced membership fees for additional pets, making it more affordable to cryopreserve an entire pet family. Lastly, members have the unique opportunity to honor their pet on the Pet Memorial Mural at the European Biostasis Foundation, celebrating their pet’s legacy and pioneering spirit.

What is the Pet Memorial Mural, and how can my pet be included?

The Pet Memorial Mural at the European Biostasis Foundation honors cryopreserved pets, featuring a photo, name, location, and date of preservation. This unique tribute is available exclusively for pet members, celebrating both your pet’s legacy and your commitment as a pioneer in cryopreservation.

What if my pet’s dimensions exceed the standard size for cryopreservation?

If your pet’s dimensions exceed the standard size, please contact us at to receive a custom quote tailored to their specific requirements.

What payment options are available?

We offer multiple payment options, including a one-time payment, monthly installments through a financing partner, and a pre-payment plan for members with healthy pets. These options make it easier to manage the costs of cryopreservation.

Can I enroll my pet in advance if they are healthy?

Yes, members can pre-enroll a healthy pet, securing their place for future cryopreservation. This proactive planning allows you to have peace of mind, knowing your pet’s arrangements are already in place, get discount in your contract and access to pre-payment plan exclusive for members.

How does the pre-payment plan work, and who is eligible?

The pre-payment plan is available to members with healthy pets. It allows you to fund cryopreservation over a period of up to 24 months. If the pet passes before the full amount is paid, the remaining balance must be covered to initiate preservation.

What are the requirements for Straight Freeze cryopreservation?

If your pet cannot be transported and delivered to our facility in Switzerland within 12 hours of passing, while kept at 4°C, Immersion Vitrifixation won’t be possible—only the Straight Freeze option will be available. For Straight Freeze, a fully funded contract is required. Once the contract is covered, will handle all necessary logistics, including providing an insulated transportation box, dry ice for the initial cooldown, and comprehensive support for safe transport.

What are the requirements for Immersion Vitrifixation?

For Immersion Vitrifixation, your pet must be located in a region where transportation to our facility in Switzerland within 12 hours of passing is possible, while maintained at a stable 4°C. A fully funded contract is also required. Once these conditions are met, will handle all logistics, including providing an insulated transportation box and coordinating temperature-controlled transport for a safe and timely arrival.

How long does my pet cryopreservation take after funding?

Once the contract is fully funded and funds are available to, we begin the arrangements for cryopreservation. For clients outside the European Union, such as those in the UK or USA, we must obtain a special biological material import permit from Swiss border authorities, which can take a few days to process. After securing the permit, we arrange transportation to our facility in Switzerland.
The timeline for cryopreservation depends on the chosen method. For Straight Freeze, the cooling process takes approximately 50 hours once the pet arrives at our facility. Immersion Vitrifixation, however, is a longer process, requiring up to 12 months depending on the pet’s size, as the cryoprotectant solution must gradually diffuse into the tissues. Our team will keep you informed throughout each stage to ensure a smooth and timely experience based on your pet’s specific needs and location.