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World-leading human cryopreservation, safely made in Europe

Proven expertise

Cutting-edge procedures and long-standing experience in medtech

We’ve improved on all aspects of human cryopreservation, including patient storage.
Our mission: Making biostasis accessible to all.
Founded by doctors and engineers
Tomorrow.bio was founded in 2020 by Dr. Emil Kendziorra and Fernando Azevedo Pinheiro. Emil, a trained medical doctor, spent years as a cancer researcher and entrepreneur before establishing Tomorrow. Fernando, an industrial and civil engineer with an MBA, has extensive experience as a tech executive and entrepreneur.
Passionate about research & development
At Tomorrow.bio, our passion for research and development is driven by a commitment to advancing medical science with real-world impact.
We focus on scientifically grounded methods and data-driven decision-making to push the boundaries of cryonics and biostasis. By collaborating with leading experts and maintaining rigorous testing, we ensure that our innovations are both visionary and reliable, prioritizing transparency, safety, and practical solutions for human health and longevity.
Proven expertise in the field
At Tomorrow.bio, our expertise is built on a foundation of years of dedicated research, collaboration with world-renowned scientists, and a focus on delivering real, measurable results. We have consistently demonstrated our ability to innovate and refine biostasis techniques through rigorous testing and transparent practices. This commitment to excellence, combined with our deep understanding of cryonics, ensures that we remain at the forefront of this rapidly evolving field.

Now also available in the United States 🇺🇸

Americans can now book our pioneering cryonics services and enjoy the same cutting-edge procedures and Swiss storage as our European patients.

Keen to learn more about our services?

Live statistics

Don’t just take our word for it

Our numbers speak for themselves: More and more people are becoming Tomorrow.bio
members every day.
Cryopreserved patients
Standby ambulances
But it’s foolish to dismiss an option that looks at least potentially viable given the advances technology has made in the last few decades and the milestones science will likely continue to achieve amid the declining cost of cryonics.
A Berlin start-up, thought to be the first of its kind in Europe, is offering to cryogenically freeze people in liquid nitrogen after they die, for as long as it takes until science can find a way to revive and rejuvenate them.
A team of German doctors is pushing the boundaries of what was long thought to be impossible – they’re attempting to cheat death, bringing humans back to life.
Our own impending demise might be a chilling prospect, but for one German start-up, the cold embrace of death is nothing to be feared.
Pushing boundaries? Very weak wording. In fact, it is about their complete erasure - the erasure of the boundaries between life and death.
Our facility

Patient storage: Just as important to us as cryopreservation

We’ve built a state-of-the-art facility in Switzerland to store our patients indefinitely.

Affordable plans

A new way to secure your future: Our monthly membership fee guarantees constant medical standby and we help you pay for cryopreservation through our attractive life insurance options.

Get your price in under a minute

You can use our calculator to figure out the expected monthly cost of your cryopreservation plan including membership and life insurance.

Your questions, answered

What is cryopreservation?

Cryopreservation is an advanced technical procedure that uses extremely low temperatures to stop all biological processes in the body. Cryopreservation is not freezing, as the formation of ice crystals would be very damaging to the body. This procedure involves the use of specialized cryoprotectant solutions (think medical grade anti-freeze) to prevent freezing when the patient reaches sub-zero temperatures. Patients are cryopreserved in the expectation that future technology may be able to revive them and treat their underlying cause of death.
European Biostasis Foundation →

What is the current state of cryopreservation science?

While research is constantly progressing, it's currently not yet possible to revive a human after they have been cryopreserved, but there is no fundamental biological reason why revival would not eventually be possible. Here is some what's currently possible with cryopreservation:

For decades scientists have been successfully cryopreserving and rewarming parts of the body such as embryos, sperm, and skin.
Read more about this use of cryopreservation →
Scientists have also been able to cryopreserve a rabbit’s kidney which became fully functional again after it was rewarmed.
Read more about this experiment →
Research in 2016 showed that a rabbit’s brain remained in near perfect condition after it was cryopreserved and rewarmed. The synapses, cell membranes and intracellular structures remained intact, showing that cryopreservation can protect everything associated with memory and learning.
Read more about this scientific breakthrough →
Scientists have also been able to cryopreserve and revive whole model organisms while keeping their memories intact.
Read more about this research →

What’s included in the Tomorrow.bio plan and how much does it cost?

Our pricing is made up of two types of fee: The membership fee and the Standby & Storage. Our membership fee is €50/month (or € 500/year) and pays for technical equipment, training and maintaining standby teams on call 24/7. The Standby & Storage depends on which funding method you choose: €200,000 for whole body cryopreservation and €75,000 for brain-only cryopreservation. Most members choose to cover the cryopreservation costs with term life insurance which cost depends on your age and medical history. Both fees are paid for while members are still alive, nothing is paid after the patient has been cryopreserved. It is mandatory to pay the membership fee if you want to sign up with Tomorrow.bio, however you do not have to use our term life insurance option for funding - you can use an alternate funding method (e.g. own insurance, savings plan, will etc.). Please reach out to us if you would like to discuss alternate funding options. Our pricing consists of two types of fees: the Membership Fee and the Standby & Storage Fee. The Membership Fee is €50 per month (or €500 per year) and covers the cost of technical equipment, training, and maintaining standby teams on call 24/7. The Standby & Storage Fee varies depending on your chosen funding method: €200,000 for whole-body cryopreservation and €75,000 for brain-only cryopreservation.

Most members opt to cover the cryopreservation costs with term life insurance, which varies in cost depending on your age and medical history. Both fees are paid while members are still alive; nothing is paid after the patient has been cryopreserved.

Paying the Membership Fee is mandatory if you wish to sign up with Tomorrow.bio. However, you are not required to use our term life insurance option for funding - you can choose an alternative funding method, such as your own insurance, a savings plan, or a will. Please reach out to us if you would like to discuss alternative funding options.

How long will my body be kept in cryopreservation?

Cryopreservation is maintained with liquid nitrogen (which is naturally at −196 degrees celsius in liquid form). No electricity is used, which secures patients against power outages and makes long-term maintenance economically feasible. The largest portion of funds are given to a patient care trust called the Tomorrow Patient Foundation (TPF). The TPF puts the cryopreservation funds into very low risk investments that have an annual return of 1-2% above inflation. The 1–2% return covers the running costs of maintenance (such as liquid nitrogen). This ensures that there are always enough resources to keep patients cryopreserved indefinitely, for however long is necessary for revival to be possible.

When will I be revived?

Given that the revival of cryopreserved patients requires significant scientific advancement, it's not possible to say if and when revival will be possible. However, there is no fundamental biological reason why revival is not possible. And the good news is that there is no time limit to how long you can be cryopreserved without degradation!

Why would I sign up while I'm young and healthy?

First of all, in almost all cases, you would not be saving money by waiting to sign up. For example, if you wanted to get term life insurance that covers you until 70 years old, the overall price difference between signing up at 50 vs. 30 is less than 1%. Signing up early means you can get significantly more years of coverage for almost no price difference. Additionally, if you were to develop any medical condition while waiting to sign up, you could become uninsurable. This would make cryopreservation more difficult and potentially expensive to finance. Another reason it’s better to sign up now rather than later is because it secures you against an early death. Even if it’s unlikely, there is always the possibility that you get a life-threatening illness or get into an accident. Signing up now is the only way to ensure that you can be cryopreserved, regardless of when you pass away.

What if I’m in the US?

Tomorrow.bio has officially launched in the US in July 2024 and available in New York, California, and Florida. Nationwide expansion is planned by mid-2025 (if you're outside these states, contact us to explore options).
Membership starts at €50/month or €500/year, with a one-time Standby & Storage fee of €220,000 for the whole-body cryopreservation.
Your final cryopreservation will take place at our secure long-term storage facility at the European Biostasis Foundation (EBF) in Switzerland, where your body will be preserved indefinitely.