Human cryopreservation

Your individual plan

Each plan is individually priced per patient and their circumstances.
It consists of two parts: Membership fee plus transport and storage.

Calculate your contribution

Brain-onlyAvailable in Europe
United States
Calculate my insurance fee
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Membership & insurance calculator

Duration of insurance
30 years
Insurance fee
Save 5%
Membership fee
Includes 1 pet membership
Save %
Total contribution
Save 22%
Register today and choose the
plan that best suits you
Sign up now
Duration of insurance
30 years
Insurance fee
Membership fee
Includes 1 pet membership
Total contribution
Register today and choose the
plan that best suits you
Sign up now

Funding options

Most common method

Term life insurance

Who is this for
Members between the ages of 18 and 65 who do not have any major medical issues.
How much it costs
Starting at €20 per month (whole-body) or €6 per month (brain-only). The pricing depends on your age and health.
For more information on what term life insurance is, click here.
Other options

Alternative funding

Who is this for
Members who have the funds to pay for human cryopreservation by themselves.
There are several alternative funding methods available, depending on your situation. These include using your own insurance policy, funding through a last will and testament, family trust, designating next of kin willing to cover part of the cryopreservation contract and others . However, this option is only viable if the funds can be quickly accessed—meaning the assets used to cover the costs must be converted to cash and transferred to before the medical team is dispatched. To set up this option, simply fill out our alternative funding document after signing up, specifying how your storage and standby expenses will be covered.
Before choosing this option we highly recommend scheduling a consultation to get recommendations based on your unique situation.