Cryonics is still a niche field. As we wrote in a previous article, about cryonics and population growth, there are about 5500 people worldwide who are currently cryopreserved or signed up to be cryopreserved after legal death. Definitely not a big number. Yet, the growth of our cryonics community is extremely important for a variety of reasons. Let’s have a look at them and discover how you will personally benefit from the cryonics community’s growth.

Lower costs
Cryopreservation is not a cheap procedure. Using term life insurance can make the monthly cost affordable, but the final coverage cost at the present moment is still 200.000 euros (check out or plans here). Our members will need to cover this cost in some way, if their life insurance expires before they need to be cryopreserved. By increasing our members, we could be able to change this figure.
One of Tomorrow Biostasis’ missions, together with bringing cryopreservation to Europe, is to lower its price. To do so, the growth of our community is essential. In fact, when increasing the number of members and reaching an economy of scale, costs will consequently decrease. The training and maintenance of standby teams, together with equipment and long-term storage, would significantly decrease per capita.
Let’s make a more practical example. If we had one standby case per year, we would need one standby team and one ambulance. Let’s suppose that the price for one team and one ambulance is 1000€. This one member would have to cover an expense of 1000€. If, instead, we had 50 standby cases per year, we would need two standby teams and two ambulances, so 2000€. This 2000€ would be divided per 50. Each person, instead of paying 1000€, will pay 40€.

Currently, there are no economies of scale in cryonics. And this is the main reason why prices are still high. Each person that joins our community will help you and all of the other members pay less.
Lowering the price is also a moral necessity. The choice of living a potential “second life” in the future is at the current state not possible for everyone. People with a very low income can’t make this choice. By growing our community and lowering the prices, we will make cryopreservation possible for whoever is interested in it, regardless of their income.
More standby teams
A standby team is a medical team of doctors, EMTs and trained personnel specialized in the most advanced standby procedures. The faster a standby team reaches you after your legal death, the higher quality your cryopreservation will be. In fact, when you die, your tissue and organs start to degrade. If the cryopreservation process starts fast, we can secure a lower level of degradation and a higher percentage of the ”real you” preserved for future revival.
Standby teams have to be highly trained on up-to-date procedures, equipped with advanced devices and available 24/7. An increase in the number of members is necessary in order to support the creation of additional standby teams.

Your local standby team
At the moment, we have a standby team available in Berlin, one in Amsterdam through a partner and we will shortly have one in Zurich. These teams can easily cover all of Europe and be dispatched elsewhere when necessary. Nevertheless, since we have members in Italy, Spain, France and many other countries, our goal is to increase the number of our standby teams.
The growth of a cryonics community in your specific area or country will definitely help us create, train and equip a local standby team. This means that if you refer your family and friends and they refer more people, you will be the main beneficiary of this referral. In addition, the more people involved, the more emergency contacts you will be able to count on.
Improved procedures thanks to higher investment in R&D
The growth of our cryonics community will result in a higher investment in R&D. This means many things:
- Better perfusion and cooling technologies, always up-to-date.
- Improvement of cryoprotectant agents to guarantee a lower amount of toxicity and therefore a less complex future revival.
- Possible development of a whole-body ITS (Intermediate Temperature Storage). By developing a way to store our clients at a higher temperature than the actual -196 degrees Celsius, we would guarantee a lower thermal stress. This may help for future revival.
- Additional attention to monitoring and reporting, to gather useful information.
- Focus on repairing the body for future revival. The process done to cryopreserve a patient will need to be undone for revival to happen.

Better and faster chances of revival
Last but not least, more money invested in R&D means that we will achieve revival better and faster. Cryopreservation is a pioneristic life-saving science. To achieve our final goals we need a lot of research and the support of the Biostasis community.
We expect that our members will want to be revived as soon as possible. Waking up in 100 years would probably be easier to acclimate to than waking up in 1000 years. It will be simpler for you to reintegrate and connect to the culture and the people.

Increase stability in the Biostasis industry
Tomorrow Biostasis and its partner organization, EBF, are built to last. Many measures were taken to ensure the stability and safety of Tomorrow Biostasis’ members. However, the Biostasis industry has existed only since the 70s and it hasn’t grown as fast as is needed. At Tomorrow Biostasis we want to change this. By creating awareness and bringing cryonics to Europe, we want to help create a stable foundation for this extraordinary industry.
Stability for an industry means many things. It means that more people are invested in the project. More people willing to act in order to achieve the same objective means more security and major support in case of any unfortunate circumstance. It also means more protection, in case anybody would try, for any reason, to disrupt the industry.

More awareness
One of the main reasons why so many people don’t choose to be cryopreserved is because they don’t even know that cryopreservation exists. And when they know something about it, it’s often through a sci-fi movie. This could lead to some misconceptions about the topic.
There will always be a portion of the population that is inherently uninterested in being cryopreserved, which is totally fine. However, the reason someone decides not to sign up should be because they were informed and seriously considered cryopreservation, and then decided it wasn’t for them. The reason shouldn’t be because they never got the chance to learn about and consider cryopreservation. By helping to spread awareness about Biostasis, you are inadvertently giving people the chance to make a conscious decision about cryopreservation. Â
In the future, we might look back with sadness at all those who were convinced that they had no option but to accept death. Biostasis is about giving people a chance to live longer, if they want to. We believe everyone should have the opportunity to make that choice.

Make it mainstream
Let’s be honest. Cryonics is an uncommon topic and when you talk about it… some people may look at you weirdly. But people looked weirdly at those who decided to invest in cryptocurrencies in early 2009. They said it was a scam. But since more and more people decided to invest in it, their value grew and slowly became more mainstream. Today many of those who believed in crypto and bought Bitcoins are millionaires. And the ones that looked at them weirdly probably regret they didn’t buy some as well.
By investing and believing in cryonics you may get something that, for many, is even more valuable than money: the possibility to extend your life, treat your illnesses and experience the future.

In addition, if you decided to be cryopreserved, you probably would like your family and friends to join you in this possible adventure. You may want to share the future with them. If cryonics was a mainstream and accepted topic, wouldn’t it be easier for you to talk about it with your loved ones and convince them to take this chance?
The growth of our cryonics community is important for many reasons. And all these reasons will benefit our members in some way. You are pioneers of an experimental science that may change the way we live. But to make this change happen, we need to grow the number of our members.
We know that there are people out there who would be interested in cryonics. Maybe they don’t have the opportunity to discuss it with someone. Or maybe they don’t know where to find useful information. With your advocacy, you can help our cryonics community grow. If each of our members could refer one person per year, in ten years we would already be about 100.000 people. We could decrease the expenses, add more standby teams, improve our procedures, and invest large amounts of money into revival research.
If you already have some people in mind who you think could be interested in finding out more about cryonics, send them our Ebook or tell them to schedule a call with us.