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Feuille de route R&D

Ce sur quoi nous travaillons

En ce qui concerne notre futur calendrier

Configuration médicale et infrastructure
Équipes médicales formées
Configuration médicale et commerciale de A à Z
Premières préservations dans le monde réel
Configuration médicale et infrastructure
Développer un agent de cryoconservation avancé
Développer des procédures et des protocoles pour la version 2.0
Préserver la structure neuronale de la mémoire, de l'identité et de la personnalité conformément aux normes des neurosciences
Configuration médicale et infrastructure
Construisez un réseau mondial (!) infrastructure de couverture
Atteindre une conservation réversible (haute température inférieure à zéro)
Réalisez une conservation réversible à partir de basses températures inférieures à zéro ou même cryogéniques : c'est le Saint Graal

Pour nous, la recherche et le développement signifient deux choses différentes :


Améliorer les procédures de cryoconservation humaine existantes et les rendre plus robustes et fiables à court terme.


Faire progresser le domaine global de la cryonie à long terme : il s'agit des projets les plus ambitieux et les plus longs.

Ce que nous avons créé jusqu'à présent

Passive-cooling dry ice transport box
Passive-cooling dry ice transport box
If a patient passes away far from the long-term storage facility, their body (after cryoprotection by the medical team) needs to be transported to the facility by plane. Past patient transport boxes kept the body at a steady dry ice temperature, which is a temperature known to favor ice nucleation. Tomorrow Bio's newly developed box can gradually cool down the patient while in transit and thereby minimize ice nucleation.
Read the report

Avons-nous éveillé votre curiosité ?

En savoir plus sur ce que nous proposons et sur ses coûts.


Ces projets représentent des objectifs à long terme visant à faire progresser la cryoconservation humaine dans son ensemble.

Amélioration des agents cryoprotecteurs (CPA)

La qualité des agents cryoprotecteurs est l'un des facteurs les plus cruciaux pour déterminer la qualité globale de la cryonie.


Notre objectif principal est l'optimisation pour la « situation du monde réel », par opposition aux paramètres du laboratoire. Les paramètres de laboratoire sont généralement bien contrôlés et idéaux, contrairement aux situations du monde réel. Les sujets abordés incluent l'ajout d'ouvreurs de barrière hémato-encéphalique, l'optimisation des temps de transport, la réduction de l'œdème, l'optimisation pour différents tissus, etc.

Amélioration des agents cryoprotecteurs (CPA)

La qualité des agents cryoprotecteurs est l'un des facteurs les plus cruciaux pour déterminer la qualité globale de la cryonie.


Notre objectif principal est l'optimisation pour la « situation du monde réel », par opposition aux paramètres du laboratoire. Les paramètres de laboratoire sont généralement bien contrôlés et idéaux, contrairement aux situations du monde réel. Les sujets abordés incluent l'ajout d'ouvreurs de barrière hémato-encéphalique, l'optimisation des temps de transport, la réduction de l'œdème, l'optimisation pour différents tissus, etc.

Warming Protocols

Warming cryopreserved tissue, especially, when larger volumes are involved (such as organs or the brain) exacerbates the complexities involved in cryopreserving the tissue. Ice nucleation and formation, for example, is much harder to control while warming from cryogenic temperatures than when cooling down to them.


Specific warming protocols and methods are required. This will first be researched on smaller animals and then increasingly on larger more complex organisms.

Re-Perfusion Protocols

To wash out CPAs and reestablish circulation the tissue needs to re-perfused and resupplied with oxygen. This brings its own set of complexities such as re-perfusion injury.


Fundamentally the concepts to do perfusion after cryopreservation needs formulated. This will first be researched on smaller animals and then increasingly on larger more complex organisms.

Concepts for Repair

Everything that is done during the cryopreservation process is done to reduce the amount of cellular and sub-cellular damage incurred due to active and passive processes started after circulatory arrest and by the procedures themselves. Nevertheless, damage is still accumulating.


In total four types of damage will need to be repaired: 1) damage from before circulatory arrest (e.g. due to diseases or general degradation), 2) damage occurring after circulatory due to ischemia (e.g. apoptotic and necrotic processes) , 3) damage from the cryopreservation itself (e.g. toxicity, ice nucleation, etc), and 4) damage from the warming and re-perfusion procedures (e.g. ice nucleation).Some of the repairs probably need to be done at sub-zero temperatures, further complicating the issue. Needless to say, significant basic research is required to understand what is required to perform these repairs.

Restoration of Life

There are preliminary ideas for restoration of life, but there is no experimental evidence yet. Significant research is needed to understand how restoration of life might work conceptually and practically.


Once warming, re-perfusion and repair is understood and done, all procedures come together in a kind of “resuscitation” similar to how cardiopulmonary resuscitation is made up of different parts leading to the “restoration of life” in the case of heart attack. Much conceptual and theoretical groundwork needs to be done before more applied research projects make sense.


Nous travaillons à l'amélioration des processus suivants afin de rendre la cryoconservation humaine meilleure et plus efficace.

Amélioration des agents cryoprotecteurs (CPA)

La qualité des agents cryoprotecteurs est l'un des facteurs les plus cruciaux pour déterminer la qualité globale de la cryonie.


Notre objectif principal est l'optimisation pour la « situation du monde réel », par opposition aux paramètres du laboratoire. Les paramètres de laboratoire sont généralement bien contrôlés et idéaux, contrairement aux situations du monde réel. Les sujets abordés incluent l'ajout d'ouvreurs de barrière hémato-encéphalique, l'optimisation des temps de transport, la réduction de l'œdème, l'optimisation pour différents tissus, etc.

Amélioration des agents cryoprotecteurs (CPA)

La qualité des agents cryoprotecteurs est l'un des facteurs les plus cruciaux pour déterminer la qualité globale de la cryonie.


Notre objectif principal est l'optimisation pour la « situation du monde réel », par opposition aux paramètres du laboratoire. Les paramètres de laboratoire sont généralement bien contrôlés et idéaux, contrairement aux situations du monde réel. Les sujets abordés incluent l'ajout d'ouvreurs de barrière hémato-encéphalique, l'optimisation des temps de transport, la réduction de l'œdème, l'optimisation pour différents tissus, etc.

Support, Training, and Guidance for Local Teams

A good cryoprotection needs speed and skill. Speed to start cooling as soon as possible after circulatory arrest (and legally speaking after pronouncement) and skill to perform a high-quality cryoprotection. Unfortunately, member numbers even for the largest organizations are not large enough yet to allow for multiple professional teams that can be at the patients site without significant delay.


For now, a combination of local teams to allow for fast initial cooling combined with centrally positioned professional teams is the best solution. In most cases those local team are part-time and volunteer organizations. To support them as best as possible, we’re organizing trainings, offer hands-on support and advice and developing extensive digital support tools to allow good standby even in remote locations.

Cooling Technology

Cooling technology is well established in lab or hospital settings, but complexity comes from field application. Techniques likes liquid ventilation, gastric lavage or fast extracorporeal bypass (before significant cooling) all require significant skill, comprehensive training and last but not least procedures and equipment that is realistically and reproducibly usable.


Apart from implementing robust external and internal cooling (via cooled perfusate), novel cooling methods promise faster cooling rates leading to less warm ischemia.

Quality Metrics

To improve in a goal-driven fashion, comprehensive outcome metrics are required. Similar to those in medicine such as 5-year survival rate in cancer treatments or re-hospitalization and complication rate in operations.


While some quality metrics exist (extent of dehydration and ice formation measured by CT scan), significant more work is required. Establishing new and improving existing metrics is a short/mid-term focus for us.

Toxicity Reduction and Markers

Some of the ingredients of CPAs are toxic. Understanding toxicity better (by establishing markers) and reduction of toxicity are important topics to limit the amount of cellular damage that needs to be repaired.


Toxicity can be reduced for example by combining ingredients that in combination are less toxic than they would be individually.

Improvement of Cryoprotective Agents (CPA)

The quality of cryoprotective agents is one of the most crucial factors determining overall quality.


Our primary focus is the optimization for “real-world situation” as opposed to lab-settings. Lab settings are usually the well controlled and ideal, real world situations are less. Topics include the addition of blood-brain-barrier openers, optimization for transport times, edema reduction, optimization for different tissues, etc.

New CPAs

Creating new CPAs has been tried in the past by multiple organizations without much/no improvement over existing options.


Similar to improving existing CPAs, creating new ones purpose-built for non-ideal (non-lab) situations is a valuable endeavour. There is interesting and promising basic research but translating it might pose significant challenges.


Ischemia is one of the fundamental problems of today’s cryopreservation practise. It leads to diverse issues such as perfusion impairment, edema, pressure increase, etc.


Our research projects focus on improving the handling of non-ideal cases with different degrees of ischemia. Approaches include different CPAs, perfusion techniques,  decompressive craniotomie, etc. We also work on logistical optimization to reduce ischemia in the first place.